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Monitoring of the Torbella viaduct

Position: A7 Genova-Serravalle
Customer: Autostrade per l’Italia
Duration of monitoring service: 12 months
Project start date: 2016

The “OF Bridge” System was installed to monitor the tensional state, deformations and arrow measurements of the viaduct spans during the ordinary passage of vehicles.
One hundred and fifty sensors distributed over the spans of the bridge and the beams in each span were installed.
The measurements were carried out with a frequency of five hundred information per second from each sensor at the same time, transmitted through about 1 km of optical fiber installed, more than seventy thousand information per second acquired by the system, operating 24 hours a day for 365 days.
The measurement technique applied is the semi-distributed one with deformation and temperature sensors connected to a single optical interrogator on which the Edgegateway software is installed for the real-time analysis of the monitored quantities. The same sends the collected data to the platform to make them available to the operator in charge of monitoring the work.


150 sensors installed
1 km of optical fiber
5 days for system installation
70,000 information per second acquired